Sunday, October 26, 2008

Imperialism vs Influence .

One needs to distinguish between cultural imperialism and cultural influence, which is sometimes extremely difficult. If one uses a definition of Cultural imperialism as - (from Wiki)

"the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture or language of one nation into another."

,then almost any kind of interaction between one nation and another could be construed as such. Again, following this definition, the list is almost endless. The English language (eg IT systems), Disney, Pepsi, Coke, denim jeans, etc. . Of course, there is a recipient and a 'giver', and usually the more powerful nation is the giver. Remember the outcry the French made when the first MacDonalds opened in Paris. I'm not a fan, so I can see their point, but French culinary culture won't sink into a hole because of it.Same thing happened with the Chinese and Starbucks.I can't blame them.

KFC and Coffee Bean are so much better. =D

Anyway ,there are some areas where I think we need to be a bit careful. Air traffic control uses English as it's language all over the world - is this imperialism or influence? I'd say the latter, because there seems to be no direct benefit to corporations (there may be indirect ones) or nations - and presumably a very real benefit to individuals who fly. If speaking the same language stops more 'planes falling out of the sky, then I'm all for it.

The BBC is, I think, an example of both imperialism and influence. The World Service, although recently cut back (and one reason for this I think has been given as a desire to limit cultural imperialism) would qualify as an influence, since many people in many countries benefit, and the only 'loser' is the British taxpayer who funds the corporation.

Ultimately, there are different ways of doing almost anything, from dress to food to language. Cultures which receive nothing from others run a risk of becoming somewhat stagnant - unique, but prone to prejudices and narrow thinking. I believe it is possible to take from others and still keep one's identity, but for this to happen, restraint from the giver must be exercised, and I'll admit we're unlikely to see this from most major corporations.

I would like to include,personally,my favorite example of Cultural Imperialism.It has crossed all boundaries of language and cultural so much so that one can hardly trace to a single origin/source anymore.


The Tour De force of the Imperial March of the Stormtroopers in our present world can't be more obvious enough with the examples below!

1. Helloween would be a perfect example and recently Darth Vader started to take a slightly more female approach to things...

2.Star Wars Anime Porn.....Seriously?

3.A Vegetarian Death Star

4.Star Wars Alphabet

And this is my last entry! Thanks all for visiting and commenting on my pointless ramblings.Seeya all!


LMC said...

wow, i like your topic!
Very daring :)
Good points, that the list would be endless -_-" Especially if we dig into the nitty-gritty things. lol
And i dont know much about star wars, but really, cant find original source????

Cheers Raj :)

Victoria said...

Last entry?????? AHHHH!! I'm a big fan of yours! Don't stop writing. I found you from Chip's comment entries!