Saturday, October 4, 2008

Beer Beer!

Heineken - Disturbance from Dinh Pham on Vimeo.

That commercial was both sad and hilarious at the same time.Talk about being emotional over broken beer bottles...

Anyways,what I really wanted to explore were the Non Verbal methods in which communication of "sadness" and "shock" was portrayed in this short piece.

Right off the bat,you can see the entire piece using chronemics ,the use of time to convey meaning.The way the bottle fall and break in the beginning and then completing their destruction at the end.

Personally the use of oculesics is very strong in this advertisement.The true meaning of the emotion showed in the eyes at first,its not readily known until the end of the clip.Still,one can still sense a bit a of sadness and disbelief from their expressions.

Haptics ,the study of touch in communication ,springs forth into a couple of scenes.The most obvious would the the boxing scene and the other the one with the couples in bed.When his partner tries to comfort him,he recoils at her touch.Interesting ins't it? =D

What other Non verbal communication did you guys spot ?

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