Thursday, October 16, 2008

Emotional Vampires.

Source :

Date Posted : 22/9/08

And I have been thinking about something. Why isn't there a channel or news network, which would broadcast just GOOD or GREAT news every day? Or at least, why isn't there on any network, once a day the Good Hour and there are lots of Good Kind of news, which people would like to see? I mean, I am sure some good things have happened today, which people would just love to see and smile and be happy with! Why do we have the need to fill our energy on other peoples misery? I mean, if you watch news today it's just, war, famine, airplane crash, murder, death, kill, rape, slaughter, satanists, terrorists, suicide bombers, disease, drugs, protests, anger, hate...


Why hasn't this kind of network or news already been made?

Interesting thought isn't it?The idea of a news network broadcasting only the happiest and uplifting news possible is a rather curious thought.

I mean,in all honesty,what the person posted does hold some truth.The mainstream media today is pretty depressing in my humble opinion.Hell,be it the news or newspaper,there is usually majority of really terrible things going on ,here on this planet.Maybe thats the reason I try not to watch the news or read the papers all too often.I rather get my daily dose of information from the Internet.

But anyway,back to the topic,another poster replied with the following.

"There sure is.

Basically any newspaper from any communist/socialist country will provide a flood of good news.

Take China's Xinhua news page for instance:

Sure, there's thousands of babies with kidney stones from bad milk, but who cares? They're putting some chaps into space!

It's the nature of the beast - Western news, it's all bad. The bad news goes first. In the East, it's presented as nothing to worry about, business as usual, and the government is doing everything perfectly.

It's good to have a balance, but I prefer the bad news first."

Its interesting how the poster mentions that a country with a different political system can instill its own set of agendas.The poster maintains,that the gatekeepers in a Communist/Socialist state set the media agenda and that of a country,China,progressing scientifically and economically.The melanin state of affairs has truly dampened the image of China and interestingly there is a major story on how the dairy produces sales are starting to go up again.
HOHHOT, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Two major Chinese dairy producers said on Thursday sales have recovered to 80 percent of the normal level before the tainted milk scandal.

The companies of Yili and Mengniu, both based in the northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and each realized more than 20 billion yuan (2.9 billion U.S. dollars) in sales revenue last year, made the remarks here on Thursday during a group interview by domestic and foreign journalists.

Now take

Plastered right at the front page is a breaking news story about a kidnapping of a young kid and generally more depressing news.

Especially another, one involving a father naming his newborn "Sarah McCain Palin behind his wife's back.Dear God,that sure is going to haunt that poor kid till kingdom comes and I can smell a divorce coming.

Maybe it is just the human nature but someone ,maybe we do enjoy hearing bad news in some sick subconscious way.Another poster replied the following,

In my humble opinion, the majority of the people FEED on other people's misery. They NEED to see others suffer in order to tell themselves, their own life is not so bad at all. They watch the news, as suicide bombers blow themselves up in the middle of Baghdad city and tell themselves: "Hey! Isn't it cool I can go to the store and not be blow up by a terrorist?" People today do not need any news about love, harmony, peace, friendship, happiness, joy, life - they need to hear the other way around. That will make them feel better - not to see, that some people actually live in peace and harmony, while they do not. And that is what I find scary and pathetic.

Does the Western mass media have an agenda going on here or are they just giving what the people want?

Is the cultivation theory of gradually influencing the people into being a fearful populace in the western side of the world?

Do you agree that there is a spiral of silence in Chinese media,where unpopular views and bad news are refrained from being discussed or is it a byproduct of the Chinese culture ?

1 comment:

k r i s t y . w said...

Meh, I think it's a byproduct of the Chinese culture. If something goes wrong or there's a problem, the Chinese are apt to sweep it under the carpet or not discuss it, preferring to go on with life as normal. whether it's to save face, or because they feel it's something that's already done and hence there's no point talking about it, or some other reason, you can't deny it's part of Chinese culture.

In the opposite mentality, the West loves to dissect every little issue and stamp their opinion on it. They're not afraid to display the 'bad' news. But too much freedom of thought is a form of disorder, I feel. What's the use of showing so many negative views until people's mindsets are skewed? If I were a media source, I'd aim to strike a balance between the good and bad news available in the world. There's always two sides to choose from.