Sunday, October 26, 2008

Imperialism vs Influence .

One needs to distinguish between cultural imperialism and cultural influence, which is sometimes extremely difficult. If one uses a definition of Cultural imperialism as - (from Wiki)

"the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture or language of one nation into another."

,then almost any kind of interaction between one nation and another could be construed as such. Again, following this definition, the list is almost endless. The English language (eg IT systems), Disney, Pepsi, Coke, denim jeans, etc. . Of course, there is a recipient and a 'giver', and usually the more powerful nation is the giver. Remember the outcry the French made when the first MacDonalds opened in Paris. I'm not a fan, so I can see their point, but French culinary culture won't sink into a hole because of it.Same thing happened with the Chinese and Starbucks.I can't blame them.

KFC and Coffee Bean are so much better. =D

Anyway ,there are some areas where I think we need to be a bit careful. Air traffic control uses English as it's language all over the world - is this imperialism or influence? I'd say the latter, because there seems to be no direct benefit to corporations (there may be indirect ones) or nations - and presumably a very real benefit to individuals who fly. If speaking the same language stops more 'planes falling out of the sky, then I'm all for it.

The BBC is, I think, an example of both imperialism and influence. The World Service, although recently cut back (and one reason for this I think has been given as a desire to limit cultural imperialism) would qualify as an influence, since many people in many countries benefit, and the only 'loser' is the British taxpayer who funds the corporation.

Ultimately, there are different ways of doing almost anything, from dress to food to language. Cultures which receive nothing from others run a risk of becoming somewhat stagnant - unique, but prone to prejudices and narrow thinking. I believe it is possible to take from others and still keep one's identity, but for this to happen, restraint from the giver must be exercised, and I'll admit we're unlikely to see this from most major corporations.

I would like to include,personally,my favorite example of Cultural Imperialism.It has crossed all boundaries of language and cultural so much so that one can hardly trace to a single origin/source anymore.


The Tour De force of the Imperial March of the Stormtroopers in our present world can't be more obvious enough with the examples below!

1. Helloween would be a perfect example and recently Darth Vader started to take a slightly more female approach to things...

2.Star Wars Anime Porn.....Seriously?

3.A Vegetarian Death Star

4.Star Wars Alphabet

And this is my last entry! Thanks all for visiting and commenting on my pointless ramblings.Seeya all!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Emotional Vampires.

Source :

Date Posted : 22/9/08

And I have been thinking about something. Why isn't there a channel or news network, which would broadcast just GOOD or GREAT news every day? Or at least, why isn't there on any network, once a day the Good Hour and there are lots of Good Kind of news, which people would like to see? I mean, I am sure some good things have happened today, which people would just love to see and smile and be happy with! Why do we have the need to fill our energy on other peoples misery? I mean, if you watch news today it's just, war, famine, airplane crash, murder, death, kill, rape, slaughter, satanists, terrorists, suicide bombers, disease, drugs, protests, anger, hate...


Why hasn't this kind of network or news already been made?

Interesting thought isn't it?The idea of a news network broadcasting only the happiest and uplifting news possible is a rather curious thought.

I mean,in all honesty,what the person posted does hold some truth.The mainstream media today is pretty depressing in my humble opinion.Hell,be it the news or newspaper,there is usually majority of really terrible things going on ,here on this planet.Maybe thats the reason I try not to watch the news or read the papers all too often.I rather get my daily dose of information from the Internet.

But anyway,back to the topic,another poster replied with the following.

"There sure is.

Basically any newspaper from any communist/socialist country will provide a flood of good news.

Take China's Xinhua news page for instance:

Sure, there's thousands of babies with kidney stones from bad milk, but who cares? They're putting some chaps into space!

It's the nature of the beast - Western news, it's all bad. The bad news goes first. In the East, it's presented as nothing to worry about, business as usual, and the government is doing everything perfectly.

It's good to have a balance, but I prefer the bad news first."

Its interesting how the poster mentions that a country with a different political system can instill its own set of agendas.The poster maintains,that the gatekeepers in a Communist/Socialist state set the media agenda and that of a country,China,progressing scientifically and economically.The melanin state of affairs has truly dampened the image of China and interestingly there is a major story on how the dairy produces sales are starting to go up again.
HOHHOT, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Two major Chinese dairy producers said on Thursday sales have recovered to 80 percent of the normal level before the tainted milk scandal.

The companies of Yili and Mengniu, both based in the northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and each realized more than 20 billion yuan (2.9 billion U.S. dollars) in sales revenue last year, made the remarks here on Thursday during a group interview by domestic and foreign journalists.

Now take

Plastered right at the front page is a breaking news story about a kidnapping of a young kid and generally more depressing news.

Especially another, one involving a father naming his newborn "Sarah McCain Palin behind his wife's back.Dear God,that sure is going to haunt that poor kid till kingdom comes and I can smell a divorce coming.

Maybe it is just the human nature but someone ,maybe we do enjoy hearing bad news in some sick subconscious way.Another poster replied the following,

In my humble opinion, the majority of the people FEED on other people's misery. They NEED to see others suffer in order to tell themselves, their own life is not so bad at all. They watch the news, as suicide bombers blow themselves up in the middle of Baghdad city and tell themselves: "Hey! Isn't it cool I can go to the store and not be blow up by a terrorist?" People today do not need any news about love, harmony, peace, friendship, happiness, joy, life - they need to hear the other way around. That will make them feel better - not to see, that some people actually live in peace and harmony, while they do not. And that is what I find scary and pathetic.

Does the Western mass media have an agenda going on here or are they just giving what the people want?

Is the cultivation theory of gradually influencing the people into being a fearful populace in the western side of the world?

Do you agree that there is a spiral of silence in Chinese media,where unpopular views and bad news are refrained from being discussed or is it a byproduct of the Chinese culture ?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Metallimessu - Metal Mass


15th Sept 2008

MAENTSAELAE, Finland (AFP) — Most teens may not get excited about church, but in Finland they go out of their way to attend in the latest testimony to the country's infatuation with heavy metal music: Metal Mass.

Inside, Pallaskari and her classmates squash together on packed pews, belting out hymns as a lead singer moshes wildly onstage to his band's earsplitting tones.

When the music stops, the students burst into ecstatic applause and whistles -- to smiling approval from Pastor Haka Kekaelaeinen. It's Metal Mass -- or Metallimessu -- and it's okay to be loud.

Not everyone is happy with the mix. Some churchgoers feel loud rock music has no place in a house of God, and some pure metal fans accuse the Lutheran Church of co-opting their music to lure young people.

If it has a niche audience elsewhere, heavy metal is now mainstream in Finland. Helsinki alone abounds with heavy metal karaoke bars, dedicated metal clubs and regular gigs, adding to the dozens of summertime heavy metal festivals held around the Nordic country.

Some say the answer lies in the Finnish character.

"Finns are known to be reserved, serious and very honest ... Somehow heavy metal fits into this as it is no-nonsense, honest, straightforward and quite gloomy," Mikko Saari, a co-founder of Metallimessu, tells AFP.

The Metal culture has always been at ends with the world and being a highly individualistic one,more so with the highly conservative culture of that with religion.Although,as society moves forward ,a change is about to brew in those 2 very different worlds.

For a long time,since the early 1980s,heavy metal has always been considered a less valid form of music,the sort only the socially less inclined would lend their allegiance too.It has been called the Devil's music(like so many other music styles before it including The Blues and even Classical Music).The music censorship laws that many listeners from all genres of music tolerate was first inn acted because of the lyrical insanity that could stem from some metal songs.It was feared back then,and even now because people thought it bred violence amongst teens and adults.The fashion style of metal heads has always been in question as with its attitude that it portrays.In short,it was a culture that obviously did not belong in that of any popular culture then.

Truth is though,things are starting to change.Yes,we still enjoy the gloomy yet comforting feel of wearing black and leather .Many of us are still hedonist at heart and enjoy the sense of freedom that Metal music brings to us.However,society itself is starting to be a little less negative about it.More bands are touring various cities all over the world,where they were previously banned.Various sub-genres of metal has spawned ranging from old school

Heavy Metal(Metallica)

all the way to

Melodic Death(Scar Symmetry)

More commercial like genres have also popped out including

Rap /Nu Metal.(Limp Bizkit/System of a Down)

And finally ending with the

Black Metal (Rotting Christ)

and the latest trend in Metal...Christian Bands.(Demon Hunter)

It is interesting to note how more Christian bands are starting to integrate the aggressive and low context culture with that of increasingly high context society,especially with religion.However,Finnish bands ,as stated in the article are doing just that.Europe has always been the premier continent for Metal Bands/Music and culture and ironically,so because of its vast classical music roots.However Finland seems to be the breeding ground for anything thats Metal these days.They have metal clubs,karaoke,metal music schools and the best bands from metal are usually always from Finland for some bizarre reason.Must be something in the water...

And all this coming from a country with a strong Christian background.In 2006, the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland had more than 4.3 million members, that is 82% of the population, registered with a parish. The Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland is an Episcopal Church with a very strong tradition of parish autonomy.It is quite amazing how two different worlds are collide and create such a perfect union when nobody thought possible.

I think therein lies to the solution to the many problems that we face in the world.And that is how we in society are able to tack the problems of mis-communication between cultures and the individual self.I feel that society needs to make a constant push into integrating cultures together a unity of sorts.I feel,in my opinion,the many problems of this world is the segregation of cultures and communication .Individualism can be a good thing but its not when one is completely cut off from the world ,that can create problems.Be it music or religion or even politics,the world needs to work together to find some sort of middleground without compromising they individualistic sense of cultures.Only then,can we truly progress.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Beer Beer!

Heineken - Disturbance from Dinh Pham on Vimeo.

That commercial was both sad and hilarious at the same time.Talk about being emotional over broken beer bottles...

Anyways,what I really wanted to explore were the Non Verbal methods in which communication of "sadness" and "shock" was portrayed in this short piece.

Right off the bat,you can see the entire piece using chronemics ,the use of time to convey meaning.The way the bottle fall and break in the beginning and then completing their destruction at the end.

Personally the use of oculesics is very strong in this advertisement.The true meaning of the emotion showed in the eyes at first,its not readily known until the end of the clip.Still,one can still sense a bit a of sadness and disbelief from their expressions.

Haptics ,the study of touch in communication ,springs forth into a couple of scenes.The most obvious would the the boxing scene and the other the one with the couples in bed.When his partner tries to comfort him,he recoils at her touch.Interesting ins't it? =D

What other Non verbal communication did you guys spot ?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ignorance is not bliss.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A grainy YouTube video surfaced Wednesday showing Sarah Palin being blessed in her hometown church three years ago by a Kenyan pastor who prayed for her protection from "witchcraft" as she prepared to seek higher office.

The video shows Palin standing before Bishop Thomas Muthee in the pulpit of the Wasilla Assembly of God church, holding her hands open as he asked Jesus Christ to keep her safe from "every form of witchcraft."
"Come on, talk to God about this woman. We declare, save her from Satan," Muthee said as two attendants placed their hands on Palin's shoulders. "Make her way my God. Bring finances her way even for the campaign in the name of Jesus. ... Use her to turn this nation the other way around."


Religion scares me honestly.It is the perfect example of what group-think can truly do to society and the minds of people.Now,I normally do not have a problem with most religions but the belief that witches and "demonic" forces hidden in society and needing to be "purged" is just a bunch of bullshit carried from the Dark Ages and pulled into our modern society.

What makes it even more terrifying is that the potential Vice-President of the United States actually believes in this nonsense and subjected herself to being "purged".Now ponder for a moment here with me with a hypothetical question,just for the sake of argument.Let me lay it down for you.

1.McCain wins and becomes the next President of the United States.

2.Dies shortly after or retires because he is old.

3.Sarah Palin takes over.

A religious fundamentalist as President of the United States.And that is where the true damage from group think will come.As with any extremist religion,all you need is one major figurehead to start the ball rolling.

Here are a couple of symptoms of group think in relation to religious fundamentalism.

1.Illusion of invulnerability.

Religious fundamentalist observe the illusion that they are protected by God. Everything that they do,say and think can be justified with the "proof" of God saying its so.Anybody that tells them other wise is deemed a heretic ,ridiculed and as in the case of witch hunters ,burned at the stake.They actually think they can do what they like because God,is watching over them.

2.Believe in group's own morality.

The Bible holds the core doctrine for Catholics,Christians and other denominations of this belief but the fundamentalist take it to another level.They use it as voice of reason.A book as a voice of reason,not critical thinking with common sense.Their belief that only The Bible is right and even other books or text from other religions, even from Christian ones are all wrong.The Coptic and Gnostic gospels that were expelled from Christian text during the Councils of Nicea comes into min.Its all about picking and choose what fits into their context of right and wrong,not critical thinking.

3.Shared Stereotypes.

This is an easy one.Many Christian fundamentalist in the United States,especially in the Bible Belt think that they are on some kind of spiritual war with the Muslims.Why?Because a few other religious nutcases decided to slam 2 plans into the World Trade Center.Aha! Now all Muslims are evil! Its like the Crusades all over again.Two religious extremist battling out,because they think they know the whole truth to absolutely anything and everything and that they are right because of a divine force that tells them so.


Censorship for religious fundamentalist is just an everyday activity.The filtering that happens because they cannot agree with opposing opinions and arguments to their supposed "words" from God is outlines the authoritarian figurehead that Palin might become in the United States.Everybody has their own opinions,sure but it ain't much if it based on complete nonsense.If people want to debate on opinions,it should be based on substantial and valid facts,not wishful thinking.


And finally,usually if someone is a hardcore religious fundamentalist ,they always stay that way.It always takes critical thinking to explore facts and knowlegde from both Science and other sources of religion to truly open one's self to the world. but sadly,these people would rather not.They apply barriers or justification and unreasoned facts to counter whatever arguments other people say,especially to policies in politcs in relation to abortion,homosexuals,war,teaching creation in schools,the validity of other religions and the list goes on and on.

I think the United States will make a horrendous turn for the worst if Palin assumes the role of President.Hell,I think it would either way,even if she was just the Vice-President.Religion and politics never mixes well.It breeds terror and hatred,covered in a bubble of "Morals and Rights" and that everyone else is heretical and deserves to burn in a fictitious place full of fire and brimstone.

Want to fight groupthink in religion?

Appoint the Devil's Advocate,but in a country ruled by the belief in witchcraft ,demons and religious hatred,that is just a futile attempt.If the majority of the people want to believe in bullshit,let them rot their souls and minds then.Leave the rest of us out of it!

I leave you with these immortal words from George Carlin (RIP!)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Come Clarity

Had another rather pointless week all up till Thursday,where I got Warhammer Online(I am such a nerd! =D).School was same old as always.Math quiz was easy but I made 2 mistakes.The tears, are flowing my humble friends.Working out in the gym and swimming is taking its toll,but I like it this way.Nothing beats a nice comfortable exercise for 3 hours after a long day.Also finally decided on getting a new tattoo,with 3 designs to choose from.Help me decide with the poll on the right!

Yeah,that is the Dark Mark from Harry Potter.Slytherin for the win!

Now,back to the topic at hand !

"Communication" In Relationships.

This would be a more personal post in relation to the other 2 previous postings.I figure ,with a topic like that,it would be entirely impossible(in my humble opinion) to find a news article that relates to it.(or maybe I am just lazy =P).I shall open it up with a quote which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.Why?

Because I can. =D

There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I take a very qualitative approach when defining my choice of interpersonal communication.I have a very unique relationship certain people and I communicate differently with a certain group of people.I am usually the quite guy but personally my close friends think I talk too much and I am very ,very sarcastic.Almost too sarcastic for many people out there to handle it as a joke.

I find it hard to relate to many people out there,more so with the younger people in my classes especially.The cultural and socio difference is vast.Not that I do not want to communicate,I have no idea what the hell to talk about.My interest and psychological state is pretty screwed as opposed to most normal young adult/teen out there.Sometimes ,I intimidate people.

Interestingly,when it comes to face to face communication in private,thats is where I tend to be a little more matured as opposed to being a group,where I end up annoying people for some strange reason .

Maybe its a dyadic consciousness,a feeling of being "whole" with the other person and being more intimate and private with their emotions and thoughts.In a group,I sometimes tend to ignore the individual and instead focus on the collective state of being.And that ,"collective" state usually ends up being rampant chaos for some reason....and talking too much.

When it comes engagement,physical appearance does play its part but hear me out on this,I got my own weird taste as in whats presentable or not.Sure,I might see a girl as being very very very attractive to most guys,but it does absolutely nothing to me.For some bizarre reason,I can't stand girls who overly dress in the most ridiculous colors imaginable to humankind.

I tend to gravitate my conversations with people who have similar interest as myself.That is the only way I can guarantee striking up a sensible conversation with someone else without making myself an idiot or trying too hard for attention.Which, brings me to the question at hand.

When starting a conversation with someone;

Do you tend to force an entirely new topic on them,hoping for some sort of response ?


Do you prefer to keep quite and hope the other person thinks of something interesting to talk about before you do?


Are you psychic and for some bizarre reason,know exactly what to talk about almost all the time ?

In my case,I prefer to shut up and listen.I like listening.I like observing people and then drawing key topics for communication with them.I will then sort these topics into an order of importance before deciding if the person, whom I will be communicating shortly with,has any interest whatsoever in listening to my dribble about god know what.

Most of the time,I can't think of anything.As much as I like a good nice conversion,I prefer not to talk about redundant shit that nobody will take notice of and making an idiot out of myself.

Or maybe I am in denial and I am hopelessly a very dull and boring person who hates social interaction and wants to dance to Britney Spears naked while stabbing myself with a very blunt toothpick screaming, "Ooh Laa Laa".

Epic Fail.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lament of Gana

Visitors wept as Gana held her lifeless child up in the air, vainly seeking to restore movement to his lolling head, his limp arms.

She put the baby on her back and walked around, stopping to look at him after a few paces to see if he had recovered.

"Claudio died in his mother's arms, with think from some heart defect," said Joerg Adler, the zoo's director.

"Gana doesn't know it, but the whole of Germany is mourning with her. She is so sad right now."

Source :

It would be interesting to know how Gana really feels or perceives the death of her child.Can we readily assume that she feels the exact same emotions that a human being feels when they have lost their child?Some would argue with a resounding , "Yes! Of course she does!".Gana's torment certainly did capture the hearts of the visitors in the zoo.

Of course,this is under the assumption that one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom,holds the same perception of the world as we do or to be more specific,the perception of what is Death.

We all certainly can't agree on what might happen AFTER Death but we can certainly agree that Death itself means the ceasing of life on this existence.After that,comes a period of mourning,where friends and relatives hold their respective religious/non-religious ceremonies.After Claudio died,Gana kept the carcass for days and for many of the visitors/zoo keepers this was a sign that she was in fact mourning for her child.Interestingly enough,as like all apes and monkeys in the wild do when they lose a child,Gana clutched the carcass to her breast and tried to nurse it.

Was she really mourning or was just confused as to why her child was not responding anymore?

In,humans,we can divide Death into basic 2 scenarios.

1.The cessation of life,there is no coming back,soul/no soul.


2.A religious/spiritual experiance.

The way I look at it,Gana and maybe other great apes or even the entire animal kingdom might not even be able to perceive that Death itself is a cessation of life but that they can certainly see that Life itself can bring about an "end".What this "end" might be,they would not know.It is certainly a complex answer ,more so with the complexity of different species of animals and their reaction towards this "end".If they even do ,how do they even communicate,about Death?

Or do we humans really think we all know what it is to know in this reality and that animals do not?

Hell,thats a pressing question isn't it because we humans can't even get the facts straight on Death itself because of the various amount of perceptual "noise" out there.Perhaps,its better that we not know all the answers to life's next great frontier.

I like a good mystery,mind you! =)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Barack Obama at the 2008 DNC August 28, 2008

38 million people took time away from their busy schedule to watch him.That alone tells you the sheer lure that he as in attracting people to his ,and in my humble opinion, brilliant speech at the Mile High Stadium

Now ,personally,I care not for politics.I really do not,but Obama's character and poise has a certain charm to it.Obama is an excellent speaker.In regards to this specific speech at the DNC his style is casual yet it displays a certain bit of authority.He throws of his persona as an easy -going fan of your typical low-middle class worker in the States.The majority.

The buildup from 6.00 to the electrifying "Enough!" at 7.00 ,followed by the cheers of the 84,000 present is nothing sort of the man's mastery of effective speaking and the art of persuasion.Obama's message appeals to emotion.The disgruntled mass of low-middle class workers who are sick and tired of the 8 years of ,and I quote in his words "...failures of the Republicans.. ".

Although,I argue,is Obama all that credible?

Senator Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (IL)

JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended, Occidental College.

Professional Experience:

Political Experience:
Senator, United States Senate, 2005-present
Keynote Speaker, 2004 Democratic National Convention
Senator, Illinois State Senate, 1996-2004.

Senator John Sidney McCain III (AZ)


National War College, 1973-1974
BS, United States Naval Academy, 1958.

Professional Experience:
Senate Navy Liaison, 1977-1981
Captain, United States Navy, Vietnam, 1958-1981
Beer Distributor.

Political Experience:
Senator, United States Senate, Arizona, 1987-present
Primary Candidate, United States President, 2000
National Security Adviser, Dole/Kemp Presidential Campaign, 1996
Representative, United States House of Representatives, 1982-1986.

It is clear and obvious that Obama is almost no political experience when compared to McCain .He is certainly more educated but lets be real here,can fancy education make someone credible enough to be the next Commander -in - Chief?If not,why then are more Americans trusting their next 4 years to someone who has not yet shown an ounce of political experience?

While I certainly neither support either of them ,it certainly brings up the issue of ,the exact reason the American citizens are basing their vote on.It would be interesting to see , if political experience of McCain can trump the brilliance of Obama's ability to pull in the masses.What do you guys think?

Source :